Life is gradually returning to normal for young Nevadans after a year of remaining close to home and away from many of their friends. Unfortunately, some of those young people may end up making up for that lost time in ways that – unbeknownst to them - cross the lines of the law.
Imagine: A teen and some friends decide it's finally time to explore that abandoned property in the neighborhood…only to end up being charged with trespassing when they get caught for some decision any kid might make! The courts do not accept ignorance of the law as a defense for breaking it, so those young Nevadans can end up facing serious consequences for their uninformed choices!
#NVRETURNREADY is here to help. Clicking on the
RETURNREADY2021 book cover will begin a download of a guide. That guide will help you hold a brief conversation about ‘thinking within the law' with any young people you know.
Along with the guide, you can also download two other publications we've provided:
Play By the Rules for ages 10-15, and Independence & You for ages 16 and up.
These materials will help you keep the conversation about making safer choices after you have the
#NVRETURNREADY conversation.
Thank you for your commitment to getting Nevada's Youth