More Than $10,000 Was Raised,
Here’s What Comes Next

**For Immediate Release**

‘Hope & Hospitality’ Raises $10,000+ to Prevent Teen Domestic Violence in Nevada.

Now Two Nevadan Nonprofits Plan to Be In Schools Soon

(December 7, 2021) This fall, a campaign by Project REAL and SAFE House named “Hope & Hospitality” saw 30 Nevadan businesses selling items raising money to prevent teen dating violence through education.  A staggering $10,000 was raised $1 at a time and more than 5,000 Nevadans learned about each organizations’ life-changing work.

Hope & Hospitality was conceived to create a funding stream for distribution of a booklet for classrooms Project REAL created called “Government, Adult Interactions, & You.”  That material is designed to teach students how the law shapes and regulates certain interactions between adults, including various forms of violence.

“When we have younger people referred to us, it is often only after law enforcement has gotten involved, such as when neighbors call the police. The power of this guide is in giving them the tools to say ‘stop’, or ‘no’, and to identify and leave at the first signs of abuse, rather than enduring years of abuse,” said SAFE House’s Outreach Coordinator Monica Richards. “We’re thrilled Project REAL invited us to partner in enhancing their material, and that they’ve made it available for us to distribute as we work in the community” she continued.

With this incredible funding, Project REAL and SAFE House are working hard to get those guides into the hands of students.  But knowing that students will need to proactively read them, the agencies are looking to do more than just hand them out.

“What we created is a guide, both digital and physical.  We can’t just pass these things out and hope for the best” observed Project REAL’s Senior Director Mike Kamer. He continued by explaining that while free pdfs are available to anyone that wants them, printed copies of the guides will be donated to schools that invite guest speakers from Project REAL or SAFE House.  “Ideally, we want to have the chance to show them how prevalent yet identifiable relationship violence can be, so that they end up willingly choosing to read the material on their own time – as an investment in themselves, in their own health and safety for now and years to come.”

Project REAL is asking high school administrators, government, health teachers, and PTA-members to contact them for speaking engagements.  They have 45-minute presentations for individual classes or larger groups in school-assembly like settings.  To learn more about having guest speakers visit a school, interested parties in Nevada should contact Project REAL.

For Media Inquiries contact Mike Kamer at mkamer@projectreal.org or 702-703-6529

Project REAL:

501(c)3 non-profit organization, was founded in 2005 by Sam Lionel and Irwin Molasky to meet the challenge of teaching K-12th grade Nevada students the importance of the law. They have taught over 185,000 Nevada students about the importance of the law with the goal of preparing them to be informed, law-abiding and participating citizens through courthouse field trips, mock trials, and unique in-class experiences.  For more information or to make a financial contribution so more students could benefit, please visit http://projectrealnv.org.

Safe House
A Las Vegas, Nevada community based non-profit organization committed to Stop Abuse in the Family Environment by providing a comprehensive approach to end domestic violence that includes crisis intervention, safe shelter, counseling, advocacy, and community education. The organization aids victims of domestic violence by providing shelter and other services. For more information or to make a financial contribution to help address domestic violence in Southern Nevada, please visit https://safehousenv.org/



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    Project REAL • 6325 S. Jones Blvd #300 • Las Vegas, NV • 89118   |   702.703.6529   |   info@projectrealnv.org
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