Gaming, Giraffes, & Giving Back:
Virtual Volunteerism!

Giving Back With
A Global Giraffe Game!


Giraffe populations have dropped dramatically in the past twenty years, in fact in Northern Kenya the population has dropped by over 70% in the past two decades. Researchers have been working at finding a solution to decrease the rapid rate that giraffes are decreasing in population size. The road to that starts with observing the giraffes.

The status of the giraffe population has placed them on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Vulnerable and on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Poaching, habitat loss and disease has made them extinct in seven African nations. For a species that once had over 160,000 in 1985, there are less than 100,000 remaining. In the sub-Saharan desert, the extinction of the giraffe has gone largely unnoticed.

This is where you come in.

The researchers have set up an online site where users actively stream the footage and help the researchers make observations. This is a great way to make a global impact without having to leave the comfort of your own home. The crowd sourcing project invites the public to help organize the data, which is vital to the success of the conservation projects.

Those projects also provide people to actively engage in the protection of endangered species. More than 1 million images from the motion-activated camera in Kenya have assisted the researchers in cataloging each image and identifying and counting the animals caught on camera.

“Community conservancies are where we are seeing strong signs of hope with increasing giraffe population numbers and we are working hard to support those conservancies”, said David O’Connor, researcher and conservation ecologist for the San Diego Zoo.

You can play the game and spend some time saving giraffes here:


1) This volunteer opportunity is one that can be fun and really convenient at the same time.  Now it’s your turn: Come up with your own idea for a unique way to make the world a better place like this one! What is your idea, and how would it work ?

2) If you have already heard of other opportunities like this one – something fun and easy that helps make a big difference, what was it and what about it seems fun to you?   If you haven’t heard of other  ‘fun’ volunteer options, go searching online for ‘fun easy volunteering’ opportunities, and then report back: What is one opportunity you found that you would be willing to do, and what makes it so appealing to you ?

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Activism, Civic Engagement, Community, Community & You, Conservation, Daaaaang You're Tall!, Games, Gaming, GC&Y, Giraffe, Giraffes, Global Action, Global Community, K-12 Law Related Education, K-12 LRE, Law Related Education, Learing Laws, Learning Law, LRE, Project REAL, Project REAL NV, ProjectREALOrg, Virtual, Virtual Volunteerism, Volunteering, Volunteerism,

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