To read Section 6 of the guide online, click this cover:
While we’re still finalizing an ideal format for everyone, at the link below you’ll find the first version of our Budgeting Tool that we mentioned in the guide.
Click this link to begin the download of our free Budgeting Journal Workbook tool:
You can also use this link to add the tool to your google-drive, so you can access your Budgeting Journal Workbook from anywhere, at anytime, and have an up-to-date file to work with:
The tool has been designed to act as a planning calendar and a spending tracker, so you can both track the money you have available, and project the amounts you’ll have available to cover your expenses in the future. Essentially, it’s a calendar with a calculator built in to project and track spending and bank account balance.
To record a purchase, simply type a negative amount into the second column of each day ( Spend $47 on gas? Type in -47).
To record income or a credit, simply type in a positive amount into the second column of each day (Get a $32 refund? Type in 32).
The version of the tool at the link above really doesn’t start until late May 2023. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find a variety of tabs. Simply select 2023 to get started. Then, scroll down to May.
Note: In setting this up, we made a few assumptions and did some actual financial projecting for you, in order to make this as useful as possible.
Here are some of the assumptions the tool begins with:
There will be $1,725 in ‘your account’ when you begin living independently.
You’ll find a ‘reasonable apartment’ / roommate situation with rent at $725/month.
You’ll find a reasonable job paying $13 an hour (perhaps something with tips), and your taxes will be deducted from your paycheck.
You’ll remain on your parents health insurance until you’re 26 years old.
You’ll be able to maintain the pretty low-standard of living we set for weekly / semi-monthly spending.
We set a tight-but-reasonable budget within those assumption, but if you’re looking forward to moving out on your own – whether or not you head off to college – you’ll need to have nearly $2,000 saved up to avoid being unable to pay bills and going into debt.
We’ll continue updating this material throughout the year and as time goes on. There’s a lot to learn about how to use this tool, how to set up future year’s sheets, and how to get the most out of what looks like a boring spreadsheet file. If you can’t wait, please send an email to our team (mkamer@projectrealnv.org), and beg the Senior Director will set up a time to talk you through some of the features.
We’ll have more efficient and official explainers (videos and instruction manuals) up by June 30, 2023. Thank you!